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SHE RISES: A Divine Festival for Women on the Rise

SCHEDULE INFORMATION FOR TICKET HOLDERS - this will be updated for our 2024 event soon...

**Disclaimer: schedules and facilitators are subject to change**
  • We will have many wonderful facilitators for the event and 4 areas where speakers will be facilitating each session throughout the day.

  • There are some speakers with limits on the number of attendees they can hold space for.

  • **We will be sending out an email to each ticket holder with a selection form for each attendee to sign up with their respective choices. This will be a first come first serve basis so please fill out your form when you receive an email from**

2023 Schedule


Each attendee is invited to choose up to 4 sessions each day.

All sessions are limited to 25 people, with the exception of Dayna Dekroon's that has a 10 person MAX.

A form will be emailed out soon. All session requests will be received on a first come, first served basis.

Missy Vermeersch

Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Bath with other sound instruments and a guided meditation

Joan Fernandez

Self empowerment tools. Using breath, intenSati, mindful movements with affirmation.

Barbara Kunz

'Move to Heal' with the Nia Technique is pleasure centered. When we move we will be supporting an atmosphere where people are encouraged to fully enjoy each movement and moment. Pleasure replaces punishment, and participants are gently guided to a place where sensations of comfort, balance, and joy can be experienced. The music will have a positive Female Goddess Theme to enhance the overall experience. We will relax into a meditation while laying on the earth to start then 'She will Rise' to have our feet in the earth as we move to delicious music. 'Move to Heal' with Nia encourages participants to focus on the wonderful sensations that nourish self-awareness and facilitate the mind/body/spirit connection.

Liz Underhill

Hypnosis information, a fun exercise and a regression journey.

Christine Noble

Amplified Mindfulness Practice (AMP)

Dr. Hailee Young

Quantum Healing - healing and soul integration.

Helen Murray

Learning to Change Your Money Story - and leave your money worries behind in 2023! You will learn how to break the generational (and trauma) bonds of scarcity, lack and poverty while releasing your stress and worry as well as learning some strategy to take back and use in your day to day life. This workshop will include meditation, journaling, understanding the energy of money, taking 100% responsibility for our own financial standing, how to improve your financial health, clearing resistance, blocks and limiting beliefs.

Celtae Lynne Baxter

Quantum Channeled Sound Medicine. A “Soul Portal Sound Healing Meditation” experience. My intention is to provide a sound healing meditation to help people to connect more deeply with themselves. I will use my voice, and crystal bowls, and my guitar/autoharp.

Beatrix Enter

Intuitive and Intimate Channeling Experience

Dayna Dekroon (10 people, MAX)

Learn how to tap into your unlimited power of intuition in a fun and supportive way using watercolour art. In this workshop, Dayna will teach you the foundations of watercolour art through play and exploration, releasing the end result. Art is a beautiful way to connect with yourself and drop back into your body, allowing you to connect to your intuition and higher self. Dayna will then guide you through a short meditation through creative mindfulness to help you to connect to your intuition. Then as a group, we will create a painting with the intention of each of us going around and discovering a messages for ourselves within each painting. There will be an opportunity to share if you are comfortable.

Chris Dancey

The Power of Colour. We all know that everything is made of energy. It is easy to identify the type of energy we hear in music, traffic or a sports event. It is much harder to relate to the energy of individual colours and how they impact us as individuals, as well as our interior spaces and the outdoor environment. There are several ways to understand how colours work for or against us. The first is to briefly understand the science of colour, which is called Colourology. When we are able to understand the vibration of each colour, we are better able to choose the best colours to wear that will make us feel attractive and confident. A system has been created that takes into account our skin, hair and eye colour. When we compliment our natural colour, we are able to increase our comfort level. Secondly, our interior spaces, furniture, vehicle and other purchases reflect who we are and how we feel about ourselves. Do you love light colours, bright colours, neutral colours or dark colours? Why? This session on colour will help dissolve the mystery around choosing colours for yourself and others.

Sheila Horrell

Finding Your Rhythm. A facilitated drum circle with rhythms from around the world, including drums and small percussion instruments to uplift and ground our energies, and have fun in community!

Ashley Park

Forest Therapy Session followed by a foraged tea ceremony.

Christine Cardoza

Naked Alchemy- Sacral Chakra Clearing

Kathy Cook Noble

Crafting Your Legacy. The importance of having a Will, Power of Attorney and Health Care Directive and how those affect your finances Some financial literacy, including the difference between being incorporated and not incorporated for business owners.

Kelly Spencer

Developing Your Unique Daily Intentions. Finding and creating your own personal daily intentions through a mediation experience. (Saturday)

Connecting to Spiritual Living (Sunday)

Cathy Starfire

The 13th Rite of the Womb-A Womb Healing Energetic Transmission

Celtae Creatrix

Quantum Channeled Sound Medicine

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